The Nishtar Alumni
Remember that first day in Nishtar? When you entered that magnificent dissection hall? You couldn’t miss the framed (and famed) saying by Confucius “it is better to light a candle than to sit back and curse the darkness” … today it is my turn to light this particular candle and I very happily undertake this task of creating a place for Nishtarians, past, present and future, to come together, share their memories and aspirations, a repository of beautiful moments spent in Nishtar and their dreams of a better tomorrow wherever they are.
That you have clicked on to this page means you are interested in exploring our common past and shared future as Nishtarians, Physicians and Citizens of the World. So go on, start your journey of Rediscovering that time when you were not even a Doctor, let alone a professor or otherwise accomplished, rich and famous, but were young and full of enthusiasm and were willing to conquer the world.
As we spend our days practicing the art of healing, take a moment to rediscover old friends (go to the directory page for all of the Nishtarians yet), meet those who made it big, ask for help (the virtual or physical alumni relations office), see what others are doing (announcements), have done (archives), learn (educational) or teach, (submit your ideas and proposals). If you want to link up with other societies go to our external links and if you want to visit the Nishtar Medical University website click here. If you want to relive those moments in a more visual manner, go to the picture gallery.
If you want to know whose largesse this whole website project dependents on, click here.
As the alumni relations office evolves we hope we will be able to partner with Nishtar’s administration and come up with joint projects to upgrade capacity and infrastructure, improve academics, support professional development and make us proud of being sons and daughters of this great institution.